Tuesday, July 31, 2012


i will be due anytime a month from now. if it wasnt for a miscarriage.


more sedih to see new and old mommies give birth to gorgeous baby girl or boy.

double more sedih plus super happy to hear news my senasib friends are conceiving.

quote from here

"Sungguh, Allah rindu pada rintihan hati manusia"
rintihan hati inilah tanda kita hamba yang tak menguasai apa-apa
untuk menghalangi kudrat dan redha-Nya
tak berupaya menepis qada dan qadar-Nya
hanya belas kasihan Allah yang di harapkan dapat menjauhkan diri daripada segala bencana

Monday, July 30, 2012

the floor is badly needed to be mopped. As M fasting and I just had a plate of rice *cough* mai bulan *cough*, I took the responsibility to mop it.

while mopping the floor, M came down and watched me.read:Super annoying

M: people dont mop like that. you do it all wrong.
AC: doesnt matter how people do it, as long as the floor is cleaned.
M: Well, I am telling you how to do the job right.
AC: I am not looking a janitor as a career.

...with few *bingit telinga aku* comments from M

M: if I were your boss, I will fire you for doing lousy job.
AC: (muka dah hangin) oh dont worry hun, if you're my boss, you dont have to fire me, I'll quit first.

and i shooed him away with the splat of mop water.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ramadan Alkareem
