Monday, January 24, 2011

Same ol' same ol'

I was so lazy to update my blog. Not that I have a lot of things to say.

I've been noticing that this lately I was so super duper sensitive.

I tear up for no reason. M's jokes sounded so cynical. feeling so blues, give the winter an extra cold.

Nak mati dah ke ni?

Maybe I had a midlife crisis before getting to midlife age yet. Probably I felt helpless after 30ish years of living what I have contribute; to myself, to household, to family and to society. I got really fedup when I talked to mak and she unselfconsciously made a remarks of how dependent my life to M despite all the degrees.

I started to regret for not continue PhD. but again it's all money oriented. the passion is not there nor now but I was motivated when I saw people who is a wife and a mother doing it.

but life is funny, when I decided to do something that will make my life miserably stuck for another good 4 years, M will get a very good offer and he will let it go just for me.

AND I DONT WANT THAT to happen again . EVER

but after 3 years look where and how I am now

Am i any happier? Are we moving up somewhere?

If this a test, ya Allah tabahkanlah hatiku.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

For time had passed

When most people toasted each other and partying all night on new year's eve, a good friend of M was battling with his life. A bile cancer is taken its toll on him. his life is just hours away.

Once a 6 footer with athletic body and smile that can lit up the whole room, now is so frail and succumb to oxygen support and an I.V

I looked at his wife and tried to empathy her situation. Masyaa Allah she is a strong lady. I cannot imagine if I were in her shoes. With 2 young children under aged of 10. Very close to the father.

Technically, although I have lost ayah, I didnt have much of experience dealing with close friends, relatives or family who is terminally ill. I've gone through the post-experience of loss but not the pre-experience. Ayah was in his best shape after 4 days in his worse before he passed away. Iwasnt there when he 'at the moment'.

While M, he yet to experience a loss or 'at the moment'. It must be a terrible thing to go through for first timer.

Looking through for a lot of events, canceled and delay, I thank Allah for things happen for reason.

F - Looking at you bedridden like that, it takes a miracle for you to be a healthy you again but I will not give up to pray for you, I wish you to be healthy again, if not I hope you will go in peace.

L- I admire your courage. Be strong.