Monday, January 24, 2011

Same ol' same ol'

I was so lazy to update my blog. Not that I have a lot of things to say.

I've been noticing that this lately I was so super duper sensitive.

I tear up for no reason. M's jokes sounded so cynical. feeling so blues, give the winter an extra cold.

Nak mati dah ke ni?

Maybe I had a midlife crisis before getting to midlife age yet. Probably I felt helpless after 30ish years of living what I have contribute; to myself, to household, to family and to society. I got really fedup when I talked to mak and she unselfconsciously made a remarks of how dependent my life to M despite all the degrees.

I started to regret for not continue PhD. but again it's all money oriented. the passion is not there nor now but I was motivated when I saw people who is a wife and a mother doing it.

but life is funny, when I decided to do something that will make my life miserably stuck for another good 4 years, M will get a very good offer and he will let it go just for me.

AND I DONT WANT THAT to happen again . EVER

but after 3 years look where and how I am now

Am i any happier? Are we moving up somewhere?

If this a test, ya Allah tabahkanlah hatiku.


~jeet~ said...

at times when we thought we are stucked somewhere, bet you many would rather switch places with us, be strong kak, we are human, its normal, caiyok!!!

Akak cun said...

well said jeet

tapikan ..akak nak duittt!!!!

momzblotter said...

Love your blog, I hope you visit mine and become a follower, I look forward to seeing you there.