Monday, December 15, 2008

Dine and Guests

Actually I wanted to write some occasions I've encountered during eid adha. But it will take sometimes and thoughts to write about it. It's more about me being here in this kafirun country, moreless about the question of the strength of my faith. Or at least peeps who call themselves as a muslim although some of them who I felt a bit resilient to potray as one, will take some time to think or just "sit back and do nothing'. I talked about this issue before - in my friendstre blog where I shared some of the Friday's khutbah about halloween. Once in a while, we need that kick or smack in the head to wake us up from this kelalaian duniawi.
At this moment, I need to concentrate to cook for dinner for our guests where one of them will go back to homeland for good and finish up his thesis back home while reporting back to work. And the other one, who also come from the same country, visiting the fil who is just recovering from bypass surgery and missing a family.

So tonite, I will cook ustaz's favorite: Ayam masak Paprik, Ikan masak 3 rasa, teloq bungkuih and sayoq campoq.

Thinking to make murtabak as appetizer. we'll see first. afterall M already cleaned up the house and the guest room. It was pain in the pungkok coz he actually had to prodigously scrub the carpet using the wet cleaner vacumn and three times of vacumming.

No wonder he wanted to reduce the population of the feline in da house so badly.


Anonymous said...


terliur bace nih.. adeh

Akak cun said...

kalalu dah terliur taknak datang merasa ke?