Saturday, September 19, 2009


Lisan kadang2 tak terjaga
Janji kadang2 terabai
Hati kadang2 berprasangka
Sikap kadang2 menyakitkan

Should I give a chance?

When a time of me just let things go, they continued to push on the button
When I'm still perky of saying hi and calls, they didnt bother to answer or reply, or worse with answered with a rude cue of "nak apa?"
When I was greeted with a harsh shove of changes instead ofsalam in front of a stranger
When I tried to help what I can when someone they idolized so much screw up their plans, and ending up I was the bad gal who "tak mau tolong" instead of "tak boleh tolong"

As M noticed all the differences and I couldn't hid those anymore. I let him judge coz through all bad and good times, he always be there for me.

Yes, tomorrow is probably Eid. I am far from my mother and family. I am writing with a bad cognition of people whom I thought otherwise.

I hate losing friends but I dont mind throwing out the trash.

What they have done is too hurtful coz I very much know they wont do it to other people.

Selama ni aku buat mende utk kepentingan diri sendiri ke? I think I shall do things like that from now on.

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