Saturday, February 6, 2010


A very old song when I was very small but the lyrics and the song itself bring so much memories of one of the nights where my sisters and I listening to the only available radio station inside bilik kecik when the lights off.

There was no luxury of CD player nor MP3 let alone Ipod. what we had only an old radio, survived with collective cello-tape bandage.

But we hummed the song, shared stories/dreams while these songs played at the lowest volume until ayah gave his warning cough from bilik besaq cross the room.

In one of the craziest nights, my sisters will go out and walked around kampung in the wee hours of 3 o'clock in the morning with their faces white with bedak sejuk and had mistakenly caused the infamous hantu simpang that some of unlucky kampung chaps met.

I must say that my sisters must be helluva brave bunch of gals to wander around kampung with the only torch of moonlight.

I missed the ol' times. It wasnt much but it is mine.

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