Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aku berdoa padaMu ya Allah

Insyaa Allah Mak and sista#1 will go to Mecca for Umrah this Ramadhan. The last time Mak went to Umrah, I gave her a long list things I would like her to make doa for me. To some, the wishes were pretty bit ridiculous but heavens means a lot to me.

Looking at glass half full, only few things in the list dimakbulkan but I wonder what happened to some of the particular wishes that I REALLY REALLY want them to come true.

When couple of days ago when Mak broke the news about the umrah and Mrcleanguy is going to be a father, which I wasnt really ecstatic about the future newest edition to my father's legacy, I have lost track of how many nieces and nephews I have so far, but mak's going to Umrah means I can kirim some doa again

my previous top 5
1. I will get a job soon
3. Mak will live longer and healthy, M, PIL and all brothers and sisters and inlaws as well
4. Dimurahkan rezeki
5. May M will get what he's wishing for

But now my top 5 doa is somehow change

oh well, pretty much the same but I asked mak to make doa that Allah would grant M and I triplet.

Yes a bit greedy and ambitious. Am not looking for a twin but me wanted triplet. And Inysaa Allah , I will definitely lose weight in no time. Kill 2 birds with one stone.


kakinota - I was wondering why I was never kurus despite the kiriman doa and whatnot. truth to be told, mak never bother to doa that for me.. hampeh

She thought it was a joke. and the fact she kindly shared my list with her friends

**cringed** **cringed**

MAK!!! So NOT FUNNY okay


~jeet~ said...

ahkak, was here before pastu dah lama x melawat, nasib nama blog ahkak tersemat dalam ati (xtau pasai pa)

la ni dah tukaq identity,

insyaAllah doa yang baik akan dimakbulkan, kalo tak kat dunia, insyaAllah dapat kat akhirat sok..aminnnnn... ;)

Akak cun said...

cheq jeet ni had kintfreak tu ka? awat cheq meghoyan tukaq nama? hang tenyeh muka depa dgn cabai sekoq2, baru depa tawww

~jeet~ said...

yup...hehehe...saja la, malas nak gaduh ngan orang itu, selagi x nampak dia matured nak terima pendapat cheq, cheq tulih ja bagi orang lain baca, dia tak tau xpa..

tonyoh cabai..alamak, sat lagi dia pon lawan tonyoh kat muka cheq abihla..hilang ayu..hahahaha...

Akak cun said...

haa kan tau takpa..pedih ooo kalau muka kena tenyeh ngan cabai..terkemut2 laks nnt

buat marka sempoi plak lalu depan..laghi haru.

ahkak tgk kalut sket la ni..anak 5 kan..banyak kejha..nnt ahkak berhopping ke clog cheq nooo

Selamat berposa and enjoy my nonsense ramblings