Thursday, August 20, 2009


only trueblue kedahan knows what's the word mean.

Been slacked on my French class. and the facilitator is being hardarse.

at least he said " tu es bon etudiante"

But I need M to translate most of the voicemail.

the phone rang but I was too busy scrubing the tub. And the shower curtain is gross.

it used to be M's chores to keep the washroom sparkling clean but he has new task of keeping other toilet sans faeces.

~ ~ ~ ~

and Saturday will be the 1st day of Ramadhan Al Kareem.

I know Malaysia is scorching hot but it doesnt deter my longing to celebrate the holy month with bonda..

oh well, denial denial.. weather deters me alot. the sun and humid has pushed me as far as I can go north.

33 deg in Ottawa run me down like old dehydrated dying woman.

haih.. I need to go back. I want to go back.


maiGeta said...

hahak...i knoe dat weird word..!!
slalu gna kt skolah dlu..

anywy,ada berita gumbira..
Kak Astifarini...hahak,terer x..??
cna nk pggil nma 2,pnjg gler..

tnggu sok lak,ambush skali g..

Akak cun said...

haaa.. hang mmg terra

kedah sejati

nama penuh tu, bukan senang nak dapat..panggil kak asti ja
dia tak promote sabun dia kat hang ka? hahahah

mak akak susah nak ambush.. menghilang tiap waktu

maiGeta said...

sabun???ada2...lani sy dh kt ottawa..
kalu nk pick up 'ole2' leh ringankn tayar kereta antaq limo sejibik meh pick up sy,since tadak trnspot.. (asalan,hahak..)

ritu mak akk ada kt umh,jenuh melayan..
muahahahaaa..diam terpaku seribu peribahasa jdnya...

Akak cun said...

dah ada kat Ottawa?

haa xpa xpa nnt akak ajak mai bukak posa.. x pun mai beraya

bz la lani.. macam itu ayam tiada kepala