Tuesday, December 22, 2009

story mory

2 days prior to our anniversary, M with his un-challenged skill of annoying me, had me once again for countless time, aggravated.

I completely forgot what about it but enough to make me woman without words for that day. Since he noticed the tension atmosphere, he tried to light up by throwing the Q of "oh! what's date is wednesday?"

Again, I didnt really bother the significant event of that day coz my angin kuskus was fiercely blowing of my temper.

Tersengih2 like kerang busuk,

*hey, isnt it our anniversary?

*shoot! I forgot about it again

**double shoot! I am freaking upset right now

adamantly to show him that I was very upset, *dont know and je ne sais quoi*

I am such a b-yatch whenever I want to whoever I dont care

Poor M but as good as it gets

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