Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Buat Apa?

I noticed that many people, whom by the chance know me, always asked

"dok rumah buat apa?"

And they mean by how I fulfilling my long 5 weekdays when M and hang-out buddies go to work.

well, one thing forsure, I know that I am searching vigorously for a job. and looking for a job, with CV and coverletter tailoring is very time consuming and yes I definitely call it a full time job.

It's tiring and emotionally-depressing. I have to make cold calls, talk nice yada yada.

so not my fortait

And apart from the job hunting. I have to take care 5 cats, oh well, M does most of the jobs, I supiring M back and forth. cooking, not everyday though but most of time. M is gettin' lazy these days. and the list goes on and on.

Seriously, I dont know how can I put up if, Insyaa Allah, one day , I have a job and children.

I betcha I'll be one headless chicken mamma.

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