Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Iphone!Ipad!I Care??!!

This morning M told me that RIM came out something like Ipad. a bit smaller.

Indeed I'd like to have one of Apple's product someday. It's not mandatory but it will be nice. However, M opposed the idea of me getting an Iphone. He kept asking me to change my service provider and instead of Iphone , he will get me a Samsung.

Errrkk!!!! SAMSUNG

Just so you know, Samsung Galaxy has 48 apps (whatever it is) double than what Iphone has.

But knowing me, I get bored with gadget pretty fast. So it would be a waste to spend quite moolahs for something that later would be used merely as text messaging and phonecalls.


Photo Booth Chick said...

True that! However, with the iPad (very expensive), its a great way keep organized, updated, and experience surfing the net in a large format...

good article! I can't wait to see what Rim BlackBerry Pad would bring to the table!

Akak cun said...

I browsed through smartphone's alley. Stumble to Ipad but not a BB tablet. I have to agree with my friend, Ipad is only a bigger version of Ipod.

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