Thursday, September 30, 2010


Haih. recently and not so recent, many 'pihak' approach me to sign up for their persatuans.

Truthfully, if they really know me, they would know that I am so not a persatuan person.

Aku ni taklah baik sangat but if people need help, kalau boleh tolong. Tolonglah kan

But again. no string attached. No commitment. I do as what I please. No one bossy me around.

And with some persatuan, if you signed up with them, hatta hang p berak ke jamban pun kena buat lapuran.

Apa keslah kan

And with the isi borang and whatnot. Aku taulah ko nak keahlian tu utk apa? dont give me shit about helping people. It's loud and clear you are helping people to help yourself.

haih. semua self interest. Dimanakah hilangnya keikhlasan

And why people get all PMS if i refuse to signup. free country meh. If you need my help and it's for good things, i would be gladly to help but why we have to make it official. do something nice of the name of persatuan. Can it just be nawaitu Lillahi-Taala.

From now on, if people asked me if I would like to signup for their persatuan, I'd say that I already have my persatuan, and it's only limited to 3 people and it's already full. the persatuan is Me, Myself and I.


irvingtan said...



Akak cun said...

thanks irving. akak tgh mroyan tak hengat nih. Taufan PMS datang melanda