Thursday, October 14, 2010

young driver - pt 1

The first time I got my hands on wheels was at the tender age of 9. Nobody, I mean NObody taught me how to use the clutch. All I remembered, I positioned the clutch stick back and forward to gohead & gostan the car.

I did not know that a functional car has 5 gears or 4. yet!

Of course, I was only 9. ayah allowed me to drive his baby because I had to moved it 10 meters in radius back and forth in our small front yard cause I did him a favor of cheap labor mowing the lawn. And it was not the fancy smancy new released Metallic Green Proton Saga 1st edition. It was only a Toyota Colt 1970's model with bright sky turquoise cheap paint job with a very weird horn-looking bumper painted charcoal black and a loose string to keep the trunk hood tight.

Not really a dream car that you will be very proud to show off or drive off to school.

But definitely your ol' man wont mind any one or two small dent around the body.

Having said that, I officially drove my dad's car on the road (without his knowledge) when I was 13 when both my parents went for Umrah/Hajj for almost 3 months. I was warned to keep my hands off from the kitchen but not the car (not that they would expect me dare to drive it).

During that time, I pretty much know (through discreetly observation) it needs to be in gear 1 before change it to gear 2 when the car in moving mode but my knowledge and experience to operate a moving vehicle on legal road was still very very limited.

It was a long 10 minutes drive with a frantic and hysterical sister on the passenger's seat continuously yelling left and right. And she was the quietest in family.


My first driving tutor was my mom. I would like to believe that my driving lessons were pretty challenging as my mom would ask me to take over the wheels on the winding route from Parit Buntaq to Kelang Lama through Sg Karangan. Any true blue Kedah Southerners would know how brutal it can be for amateur to drive in tight two lanes with sharp corners and string of big trucks.

And I was only 15, and no, I said NO 15 yr old kid will refuse any chance to drive.

Although with years of driving experience, I even drove illegally to Penang after SPM, 3x attending the stupid, long and boring driving course, I finally got my driving licence when I was working in Penang.

I actually failed when I was 17 after SPM. Not that I drove badly, but the idiot from JPJ asked for pre-duit raya of RM50 from me through my driving school's teacher.

Eeee tak koser mak k. sib baik masa tu aku budak tak paham bahasa lagi. kalau tak free mak dapat dosa bg rasuah.

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