Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My oh My

An old friend add me on her FB recently. As my FB profile shows the image of M and I, she replied to me, " Cita2 hang nak kawin omputih dpt gak na"

Oh if she ever knew what I was going through years before meeting Monsieur.

Had I wish to marry non malay. Maybe. but had I wish not to marry at all . YES DEFINITELY!!

During my teen and early tween years. 2 things I loathed ; Men and Children.

I have a lot of penpals, yes. but most of them are girls.

But again, (if I had the 'cita2'), it was pretty much faded when I got to know some quality lads in Itm.

Faded as in completely washed away.

And who knows , the table turns, and the karma came and bite me in the arse real hard.

I was not really the quality Malay/Malaysian lads' cup of tea.

And I was not really ready for L.O.V.E. I didnt have a degree under my belt yet and all I wanted was to see the WORLD if not the universe.

But to work in the manufacturing industry would not offer much and IN FACT, it made me feel my biological clock is ticking twice faster.

And sharing a room with two hot babes who went missing almost every night dating. No TV, zilch entertainment, except for the giggles from the next door's spinsters watching Kuch Kuch Ho Ta Hai and hearing them gasped for air when their hearthrob Shahrukh Khan flashing a smile on Tv screen, I pretty much desperately wanted to settle for any man.

And I was only 22. kann ayaq gatai dah naik ke kepala


Among all my friends, be it female or male, they pretty much know that I never had any asmara relationship. Thanks to my principle - Say NO to bf and gf thingy and the ideal age to get married is at 35, it dons to prolong my celibacy.

but few concerned friends, tried to hook me up.


I was duped after 1st date.

and with hurtful comments too

Tak lawa. Hitam. Gemuk. Huduh.
Tak mau pegang tangan. soh peluk tak mau.

Hello aku bini kau ke??!! kalau dah gatai sgt, pi la peluk mak hang.

Yes I love to use maternal insult when it comes to NO respect to women.


M ---

I met a guy who amanah, strictly practicing Islam according to the 5 and 6 pillars, kind, generous, keeps his faith as best as he possibly could, in a land where many of my countrymen were taking advantage not to pray, makan ayam katok and speak trash, cause for them, I repent when I am old. life is too short not to live it.

Having said that, I am glad, if really my cita2, tercapai jugak.


~jeet~ said...

Kak, good for you ;) I think we are like two peas in a pod, (tang part tak lawa, hitam, gemuk,huduh)hehehehe...

Hat lagi satu cek tak penah experience, have never even been out on a date. some people may say its pathetic, i call it a blessing, i am being protected.

ayu said...

salam kak...
i am looking for a husband too, if you could introduce any. Seriously.

I am sick of Malay man.

Btw I am 27, from Kelantan, divorced on Feb. I have a 3 y.o daugther.


Akak cun said...

jeet - thank U dik non. beruk loser mana la kata pathetic kat hang. macam la p dating tu best sgt. setan aja yg dok bersorak. depa tau ka yg tu. buhsan k people like this u know

soksavda - please enjoy my post and no be a spammer. u can advertise yr whatever it is the shout box but dont jammed it with garbage

Ayu - i know u sick with malay man to your throat. yg paling penting dlm perhubungan ni agama. reagrdless whatever race he may be. kalau dpat omputih pun, perangai macam jembalang (which is berlambak2 k) tak guna jugak kan.

Ammoontie said...

Good post...I am happy and glad that you met "M". I am wishing you HAPPINESS forever and ever !

Akak cun said...


TQ for the wishes. I wished u likewise. May all your dreams come true