Friday, March 25, 2011


everybody knows I am M's royal supir.

My usually morning routine if M feels like to go to the office, I will drive him.

And as a normal couple, we talk, which leads, often to bicker. and then I feel like to kick him out of the car and make him walk in the middle of the parkway.

Then, one day, Mrs H told me how she complained to her husband that they dont spend time talking to each other anymore since the husband sends the daughter to school in, comes back home, and get ready to the office.

Having said that, I should consider myself lucky cause at least, I have that an half hour, to and fro, talking to M, no matter what it is.


one day in the car, we had a small argument. Well, we tend to say something hurtful when we upset. I said something nasty to M which ending up he slammed the door and I didnt bother to look at his face. Realized that I was being a jerk. I texted him to apologize. 1/2 hr later, he texted me back

"sorry for what. I am used to it"


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