Saturday, March 26, 2011


When I looked at youtube of Ms Wallace making a remarks to Asian students, I laughed to tears.

Of course it reminds me back how Jerry and I were talking about the Asians in the library and Lamborghini.

Yes you read it right LAMBORGHINI.

needless to say, talking to the phone in the library wasnt as bad as talking in the class where the prof is lecturing. But again, lucky that I was in the class where girls are only numbered, men can be so up front said to that fella face "Shut the f*** up and turn off your cell"

but again that fella is not necessary Asian :) but it could be ;)


but talking ching chong to the phone in the library, didnt bother me as much. my favorites are when people farts but lifting up their buttocks from the chair in the library ( ofcourse they didnt think we see that), and picking nose while driving freaking expensive car. I am so going to sanitize whenever I drive a second ahnd car.

And now I cant get my head out with this song


~jeet~ said...

ahahahaha....this guy is actually not ba, x ujan la kalo dengaq dia nyanyi..agak alexandria tu buat video clip balas tak..hehehe..

~jeet~ said...


Akak cun said...

Jeet hang patut tgk alex wallace punya clip dulu, then lagi la hang nak tergelak bila dengaq lagu nih.
Alex tu tak balas kot, siap berenti dr UCLA..
UCLA stands for U C Lot of ASians
