Thursday, March 31, 2011

I finally get hold of mak after 3 weeks. she had a new cell but she doesnt know how to use it. Dont blame her, I was too, frustrated with Samsung during our early days.
Berjejak kasih bagai and my usual topic with mak is what I've cooked for today

Since I invited few friends over to my house for luncheon, I excitedly talked about dishes I have cooked. Suddenly, mak asked me for my Mee udang recipe
Vangga mek nokkss

And this is not the first time she asked me for recipes.

I wished I live near to her so I can cook for her instead.

Elle me manque trop :(


anem said...

Kak Jidah.. Share la resipi mee udang pleaseeee. Terliur dah saya kat sini tgok gambar nih....

Akak cun said...

anem nnt ai share kat FB ok