Thursday, September 8, 2011

emo yg ntah hapa2

I dont fancy title or wealth but I fancy good heart and awesome manners.

but again, what's up with people with all these flashy bling bling, and oh-well detached house and fancy cars.

can people just lighten up and life is not just about that.

and what's up with title??!!

why malaysians are so hard up with this stupid status conscious.

it was really annoying when people correcting me addressing my relatives' name without their whatever title infront of their name.

Are you kidding me?!!

and why people like to tell stories about their bro or sis with a need to tell what they are doing for living.

I dont freaking care dude, if he or she a freaking neuro-physics scientist who won nobel prize 220 times.

alahaiiiiii...aku buhsan ok

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