Thursday, January 17, 2013

pesan memesan

I actually have no problem buy things for people especially to my friends. Of course, I dont mind do a little extra things for them but to their friends or relatives. err mom and pop or kins, i pretty much can take it but cousins, aunts..err sori naik lori lah

I mean if you want to pesan or whatnot. Tell me what you want, I dont give crap about the model or whatever hue they have in stock. I am doing people a favor here. dont people just get it?!!

Unless they pay me a handsome money for the trips, time and energy. My service is your command.

I am getting tired


ahkakbatik said...

ello adik cung... blogwalking dr blog jeet. love reading your rambling, simple words yet touchy.
samalah kaktek nk buat baik aleh2 kita yg takleh tido malam.

dunia tidak adil.

Akak cun said...

Salam kaktek,
tima kasih noo mai baca ramblings saya. saya ingatkan blog saya 3 org saja yg baca, kenkdg boss mai jenguk dok pantau apa yg patut.
lagu tu la, org kat perut dunia ni tak adil sampai kita naik meluat kenkdg.