Friday, February 15, 2008

It was a good dinner

I really have no idea how to make a nice thick soup. A western soup kinda. I rely 110% to beloved M to cook it for us. I mean , c'mon, he was whinning non stop about my soup over and over again for the pass 7 years. Anyway, last night, after I watched "Ricardo and friends" cooking series which M hates it very much. I was so intrigued to try his yellow bell soup which looks so Yumm-O.
Hmm, since I have to go to see madame for thesis correction, I decided to buy some yellow peppers and deposited some mullahs. M called me when I was doing my shopping and asking for flowers. Idiot, he the one who should get me a bunch. Anyway, back to my dinner. M was shaking to the bone cause he was dead hungry. moi aussi mais je suis patient ( je ne sais pas que est s'apelle patient en francais). a horrid translation from english to french. No biggy.
The recipe was freaking easy and it tasted fantastic. the taste is like the soup I usually get from the university cafeteria which by the way M detests it very much. Well, he hates almost everything that is non-home cooked. The chicken suprisingly turned out to be good as well. My express dine become a pretty exquiste oh la la dinner. not bad for a valentine's night except we dont have any candle to lit up the mood.
we settled down the night with nice and easy stomach and a handful of honey roasted almonds.

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