Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh hari raya!

this my 9th eid consecutively in perantauan. Honestly, I got very infuriated this time. Why, if you guys may ask - I want to go home and celebrate hari raya with my family, my mother, my brothers and sisters, my nephews and nieces, my relatives and friends, and not forgetting love thy neighbors. Oh dear M is missing. M, we both know that it is most impossible for you to go home with me. I couldnt force myself to write coz I felt heavy on my chest when I start thinking about all this. btw, I just got a call for an interview, not for a technical job. the interview calls for financial analyst. most of the job at the career fair meant for 2009 and they will start to look for their future amahs by the end of October. I guess any job can kill the time.

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