Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ngumpat nih

Recently our lembu lost one eye. I didnt know that until Madam Ebay told me when I gave her a ride. Seriously, she told me about the malfunction just by listening to the sound.

Impressive dowh!

True enough, the signal light was out and since M love to be recognized as handy dandy, I leave it up to him to fix.

Nevertheless, M didnt believe me at first that to fix the signal is as easy as ABC. I told him how Ponomagal changed the signal light by using only the screw driver, yet he gave me this udontknowwhatareutalkingabout look. like always be a ketegaq me, we went to Canadiantire to buy one. Then, M scouring through the dashboard to find the manual, found it and read it.

And finally he said,
M: hey u know what, is not as easy as u think
AC sighed
M: u dont believe me?!! *eyes popped*
M: I need to take a lot of parts in order to get to the bulb. And I need a very long screw driver to open the latch and I dont have that. Too much work and time and I dont want to put back the parts wrongly

I rolled up my eyes without literally rolled my eyes. This is going to be long.

Months passed and the signal still at its malfunction status.

On one morning when my mood not at its best and M in the mood of being nice.

AC in the silent mode
M: bla bla bla Oh AC, go to MechanicMan to fix up the signal
AC seriously wanted to give M a pathetic look but she remembered that patience is a virtue

In my heart I was like, *gimme a break M, we both, for Godsake, are engineers and you asked me to go to someone just to change a bulb.*


Ignoring his crazy thoughts, I went straight home and changed the light in less than 5 minute with the shortest screwdriver I had in the car.

My hands were dirty, so did my jeans, but believe me, you dont need an expansive money thirsty mechanic to change the signal light. read the manual in one go and u are all set.

Haii M sayangku, cant live with you, cant live without you.


He found out that I changed the light myself couple of days after. hah nko, terhegeh2 menyengih.

Geram aku!


Syazana Fickry said...

so cute =) haha korang ni asyik nak gaduh jer yg tak tahan tu =) hahaha

Akak cun said...

biasalah u, dah 8 tahun kawin, karan nak bergochoh ajer.. terlebih voltage ..hahahah