Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ala bucuk bucuk hitam sayang

Last monday morning, before I sent M to the office, he came to me and said that Hitam is limbing.

Pasaipa pulak dah??!!

Turned out he was in fight with stray cat and got bitten real bad both arms. Padan mukalah kan

Anyway, we didnt know that forsure and M worried that the injured might be worse than it seems aka fracture. We decided to wait, at least, after M returned from the office.

Well, the swelling didnt subside and I can see through Hitam's eyes that he was really indeed in pain.

M and I rushed to animal hospital ER. we were there from 6pm until 10pm. exhausted and hungry.

Aware of that this was an emergency, it will definitely cost us a lot of moolahs.

True enough, that night alone for si hitam manis - $475 gone in a breeze.


there's goes my ATV riding


Ammoontie said...

Geram nye tengok si Hitam tu...cute nye !! Hope he has fully recovered by now.

alice in wonderland said...

kak azidah, alyza ni. still remember me? sy ade bc comment akak kat blog sy.. huhu..sori lame menyepi diri. bz giler skrg. tmbh2 dah nak ber3 lak skrg.hehhehe.. anyway, keep in touch k..

Akak cun said...


Hitam is not 100% recovered. but doing fine as for now. but gives mummy and daddy headache BIG time.


remember sgt2. and wondering too manalah menghilang awak. sampai ke tidak ke apa.. what a relief you managed to find helps at Kingston. nak mai Ottawa, habaq la, boleh kemas bilik satu kat rumah ni

Unknown said...


hang apa khabar? comel tul c hitam manis tu mo jek ku gomol2...moga2 Hitam cepat sembuh hendaknya.

Naha said...

cantik mata si hitam tu....

Akak cun said...

lina- hitam manis aku tu hitam stinky winky hang tau. dah kami bg tidoq ngan kami macam Prince hitam pulak.

Hana- masa kecik2 ni mmg la comei lote, cantik gebu bagai. bila besaq campoq dgn perangai jahat macam hantu.. ya rabbi rasa nak sembelih sekoq2