Wednesday, July 15, 2009

G niaga deh

Finally, after skipped my french class last night doing something less fruitful. well, I did something I was meaning to do for a very long time and envying people who can do it.

WEBPAGE bebeh!!!

M gave me a short tutorial on how to change words bla bla bla the boring stuffs, and I was anxiously to play around with the new thang.

I know I am so way behind. but I aint a computer geek. I loathe computer and for me it is a machine that takes too much of my time when there are mountain of chores that need BADLY to be done.

Well, for a trial, I made a webpage for my sista. It's not complete and I dont register a domain for her yet.

Money is pretty much sensitive issue right now. Hitam went to ER second time and cost us another hundreds. A friend advised me to get pet insurance and when we look at the premium and the FINE ( u basically can't allow yr cats to get sick in order to keep the premium low - bodoh nak mampuskan)alahaiiii.. let assume that we can totally forget about it. Rather than I go and pay them that much every month, might as well I save it for them and put it in the interest saving acct.

takpa ka kalau kita guna duit riba utk ubat sakit kucing?

Just a thought lah. bukan aku buat pun. duit pun tadak, bank nak bg interest pun tak sampai 1 penny.

C'est la vie eh!

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