On my 1st week in Malaysia while waiting for my wallet to arrive (some clumsiness that caused my eardrum almost to explode from the screaming of the other half), I decided to follow sis#1 to KLCC every morning.
As she claimed that breakfast is not her routine and I have nothing better to do, I had my generic Malaysian breakfast, Nasi Lemak Kosong, which cost me a freaking RM3.50 for half-boiled egg, kecik nak mati anchovies, burned peanuts, 2 thin slices of cucumber and sambal bawang in the left wing on the 3rd floor of KLCC which now I claimed as my new morning pad.
The objective of me hanging out in da pad was to kill my boredom or waiting for the bank or the cyber cafe to be opened or waiting for peminatpinkygtakblehblah's sisters. I chewed the rice or whatever in my plate 400times while enjoying the hustle and bustle of the working people of what else if not the giant oil company of tanah air terchenta.
When I looked at,especially, the working females in and out the foodcourt, I was thinking to myself, "dude! dont you think you are missing sum'in'"
I found myself took a very very heavy sigh.
After my jaw feels hurt (the 400x chewing - remember), I know it's time to go elsewhere. I finished all the sweetened drink left and I marched to concourse level.
I know I can at least entertain myself with the passersby there.
As I will sit there for quite sometimes, I figured that might as well I get comfortable. And by getting comfortable is by sitting bersila against the wall of the elevator and play Soduko.
I noticed there were 2-3 gentlemen in black, heavy with walkie talkie, which I dont think so KLCC is a terrorist ultimate target anyway, were looking so super freaking busy.
Not that I care caused my mind was thinking to get busy with the Soduko.
Not within 3 minutes in my most comfortable sitting position, one of the men in black approached me.
MIB: Adik, tak dibenarkan duduk bersila
AC: Apadia?!!
MIB gave me the look of i'llkickyourbutouttahere
MIB: Tak boleh duduk bersila disini
In order to avoid any scene, I just agreed to whatever thing he said and put my feet down instantaneously.
I am so waiting for any matsalleh to sit the way that I did so I can give the MIB a piece of me.
As my sitting position was not approved by royal protocol MIB, I was wandering around KLCC for nicer and comfy spot to, now, read my Sidney Sheldon book which I recently purchased 25cent from Value Village. And voila! a nice comfy sofa chair, big and cushioned enough for my buttock to rest for the next couple of hours.
The thing is, it is located between the so-called two high end boutique.
Good thing I read English book. I know that I will definitely get my ass kick out by another MIBster if I flipping Harakah (all about the status people ~ haih!!!!tenfold sigh)
Nevertheless, by sitting in this area had opened myself into another kind of targets. Jeng je jeng! L&G, I welcome you not, Miss Unit trust.
Err..adik manis, tak semua orang yg duduk kat sinun, baca buku omputih, semestinya banyak duit.
If she ever know my *ehem* banking situation
Who knows the escalator trips can be very colorful with people's cengkerama.
The unbelievable see-through tops the lasses were wearing.
The bags, the shoes, the clothes, the glasses, the TUDUNGs.
The talks of all walk abouts, family, cars, bfs, aweks, Jakarta, foods.
But the most eye sore was the malay girl tergedik2 with foreigner boyfriend.
The most loud, most skin and most clingy.
Looks like she wanted to climb her boyfriend or something.
Rileks la dik.
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