Saturday, May 15, 2010


I have to say, it is more annoying when people ask me about " Are you working yet?" rather than " Do you have a kid yet?"


I called mom weeks back just to check her out. On one of her usual questions:

Mak: AC dah dapat keja ka belum?
AC: Dak lagi la mak
Mak: *with a sad tone* hmm.. AC buat la kuih2 menjuai kat sana nu



few days ago, while we were cruising along the Rockliffe promenade, suddenly M said

*you know, if you continue the Phd program, you will be halfway through.

Dilemma beb!


For whatever reason, I am not giving up or lost hope. I know one day I will have the job. Amin!


DE said...

ni gamba zaman bile AC oii...hehe

Akak cun said...

gambar2 hanyalah hiasan semata2... nanti gersang la blog i yg mmg kekeringan nih

knitfreak-to-be said...

salam, bloghopping on a looonnggg friday. akak cun oghang mana?

Akak cun said...

Knitfreak - akak cun oghang utara. selamat melompat noo