Wednesday, July 9, 2008

to be or not to be THIN

typical women's issue. I dont have to go further but after reading my ol' friend's blog that she's under heavy regime of toning down, I felt a bit motivated to shed some pounds. There are thousand of reasons which I can think of why do I need to lose some weight; to top them all is maybe M was getting tired with the way I look (yeah, so vain of him) and he kept using wedonthavekidnowbecauseyouaresofat excuse which i detest it so much. on the other hand, or rather, looking at the glass half full, my HEALTH. my health is getting deteriorate while the scale of my weight's going up.
But after 100th attempts of losing weight, I hope I can stay true and see some positive changing PHYSICALLY.

Can I discipline myself? we'll see from here. I hope M doesnt nag and shoot my spirit down with all his nasty remarks. He's like this monster from green stinky swamp when he saw me fasting or doing any diet thingy. how on earth will i be able to lose weight if i ever receive these kind of supports from him. I think the reason why I always quitting halfway is due to my retaliation towards him. rasakan ko.

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