Saturday, April 4, 2009

Intercept perception

Move to a bit serious matter - Judge the book by its cover.

Scenario 1 : Procreate

*Maybe dia taknak anak lagi sebab financial instability*

Scenario 2 : Unemployed

*dari duduk rumah tak keja, at least amik upah dapat duit*

Scenario 3 : Ends Meet

*Does your husband needs your help to pay the bills? try to get a job at Zellers*

Scenario 4: Balik kampung

*Simpan duit sket-sket, tak ada la terasa sangat bila beli tiket*

Scenario 4: Insult Ultimatum

*buat apa dok luar negeri kalau dok rumah kecik, pakai keta buruk, duit simpanan tak ada. suruh aja M dtg sini, ajar bahasa peranchis*

hahahahaha.. the above scenarios are among the often conversations I had with mostly fellow Melayu-s and some immigrants who think I just migrated and M works small job that barely pay our ends. the problem with our materialistic society is we like to measure people wealthiness through what a person has/mortgagely owned.

So what if I dont have all that!

Just so you know,Alhamdulillah we both have in clover and we like to live our lives good enough to keep the wolf at the door. afterall, we cannot predict the rainy days.

I am sorry if I physically look melarat. I cannot help my pauper-sluggish look but believe me, I have enough instant noodles in stock to satiate my hunger.

I love money and I love making money and I really really love to have my own money but it doesnt mean I would do anything for peanuts.

I dont look down at dead-ends jobs. I dont mind at all to work as one but M have his own issue towards me working that particular of jobs. I just feel bad to answer peoples who urged me to find as such jobs coz my answer, believe me, will make me as one of ratu poyo tak sedar diri hokay.

Having said all that, I think I shud stop advising the students to find a job for extra dough to top up their expenses or to splurge on their incoming or future vacations. Maybe they are in the same situation as I am.

Advise given when ask for


Chibi Maruko said...

anytime akak boleh call kalau ngan ngadu ngan me.. me very good pendengar....

Akak cun said...

Merci beaucoup. have to admitt kenkadang tu menyampah jugak but words cannot break my bone kann.

anem said...

Oh masih ade lagi ke org berpikiran camtu? Naseb bek my family tak kesah sgt bab2 harta nih. Bukannye boleh bwk masuk kubur pun. Mati nanti dapat kat anak cucu gak. Ntah2 lagi byk harte, lagi ramai org wish kite mati cepat sket. Hahaha.. Jk.

If we are happy dan boleh sustain essential need, what's the problem kan..? Yang most important saham ahirat! ;)

Akak cun said...
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Akak cun said...

probnye anem tak ada sekor pun dr keluarga akak berkata begitu coz they know how much M's making ~pohyo la pulak kan~ hahahahah. Ini semua kata2 dr manusia2 yg tak ada talian darah langsung..

anem said...

ermm tu la saye ade terpk gak tuh, takan femly akak tatau kan...

haiyyoo~~ nampaknye pegi mane2 pun perception org takan berubah kot. ^_^

Akak cun said...

kalau ikutkan family akak (except for i punya amma) they prefer me to stay abroad.

As quote from them," dok mesia buat hapa, menyakitkan hati aja"

But not necessarily it's greener at the other side.:)