Pissing Dum Dum
For over a month, after relentlessly tired of cleaning poops and pees, I managed to persuade skeptical M to Jamban training the fluffy-s.
It is one HELL of messy and sticky job. but at the end of the road, especially when I found they were doinf their biz in a humane toilet bowl - PRICELESS.
I still have a looooooooooooooooooooooonnnngg way to go to achieve the ultimate goal of removing completely the potty pan. But I'll wait.
Waaaahhhhh!!! Kagum!!!!! Tahniah, ibu yg berjaya!!! =)
haiii mak penat okkkkk.. skrg ni tgh proses membuat lubang dalam toilet pan tu tp si bart ni phobia sket ~sigh~
alahai comelnya haha...kucing plak reti memberak kat dlm toilet bowl, anak aku c sophia di potty train bakhil kat lantai umah dia membuang...grrr!!!
alahai lina..kuat jugak sekoq tak reti bahasa tu memberak atas lantai. tp nak marah pun bukannya paham bahasa
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