Sunday, May 24, 2009

eid adha experience

hmm ter-rajinlah pulak.

It was sunny but cold. I went to masjid that predominantly by francophone, as a matter of fact the khutbah was also in french and left me with the most bored yawn ever. anyway, towards the end of prayer, a guy made an announcement, with a little understanding of langue d'amour, I managed to grasp that there will be a conversion event.

on that eid adha's morning, umat Islam increased the population by 1. and first time for me to witness to most meaningful experience in one's life. to witness, a person who sin is completely null and if she died by that second, insyaa Allah, jannah is where she will be. I was so touched, I mean, a person made a big sacrifice to leave her belief to be a muslim and yet a born muslim, struggle to disassociate themselves as one.

And we blame others for being prejudice towards us. It's not easy, yes I have to admit. the look, the stare, the sneer. but what's different it makes between them and us.

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