A friend of mine has been nagging me on frozen karipap and murtabak for the past 2 weeks. And I did my 1st ordered frozen karipap last nite. But the problem is M thinks I underpriced them. Hello! does he expect me to charge per hour engineer rate? if I did that, my frozen karipap better be the best damn ever. Please dont tell me that I need to charge $120 (that's a labor cost alone) for 50 pieces small karipap. Bila aku cakap macam ni, dia tantrum plak. pehal ko labu?!! Anyway, ~kena delete, sebab terover poyo~ ahaks apa ko sibuk nyah. suka haku lah, blog haku
kalau buat frozen murtabak, me nak order tau......
chibi maruko
hang nak wat biz karipap eh. aku pun nak order gak lama dah tak makan karipap kekeke
frozen murtabak - dah buat tp a bit pricy coz nak membuatnya alahai leceh gilosssssssssss
nak order karipap boleh tp kena duduk dkt sket, kalau hantaq ke edmonton karang dah lembik melekat2. karipap yg aku buat pedas sket. si farha ni boleh kot makan, aku buat ala2 custom made. orang mesia kan kuat pedas
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