Monday, November 10, 2008

from haj to home-schooled

It's time for haj and a friend of mine is going in 2 weeks. as a friend I paid her a visit, well actually, I was asking for her favor to bring some stuff to my othr friend in her MIL's hometown.

I was totally envied. I really wanna go for haj. money is there but the mean is nowhere to present. At least i have to be realistic in paying my MARA loan first.

Anyway, Interesting topic was brought up in the 3 hrs conversation. they were actually talking or actually practising home-schooling.

the topic was wayyyy ouuutttttttt of my league. Seriously, I felt like I was so incompetent or very lack of knowledge. I mean, these women they are very serious about the sekolah dirumah thingy, and I dont know if the word ashamed described me best when they asked me, "do you know this author and that author".

Of course I am very familiar with Tony Wong. I bet my to be children will be masterred with the chinese kungfu ilmiah if I have to pass down the knowledge of hikmats in Tony wong's skillful artistic literature.

Probably not, coz M opposed to this particulary reading interest of mine and he shall see the extinct of the kungfu kitabs in about time. dengki gila mamat ni.

SO, what do i really think of home-schooling? my honest answer I can give, I dont really care. I mean, I can't overprotected my kids. they need that versatility of friends, a diversity background of beliefs, culture and language of peers not necessarily friends. My friends who made who I am today. Not really my parents or sibling. I think I learnt a lot from my friends' experiences rather than from my parents'.

but 2 against 1, who's gonna win. go figure!

note: whatever opinions expressed in this blog is only entitled by yours truly and does not represent anyone else.

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