Although M and I are umpama langit dan bumi, we both at last have a common ground on on how to raise kids.
Of course, all these came out from an instant diskusi of certain event that is not worth to be mentioned in the blog.
Ever since my elective course of Child development where 95% of my classmates (including the prof, I guess) thought that I was the meanest biological mother whom child will be eternally mentally tortured, I was so disturbed with the way the westerners raising their kids. unfortunately, our presumably high class society, would more than love to adapt the western kid raising in their very oriental family. Nothing's wrong if the right and good ones are taken but since the role model is very much straight out from the TV or MTV, the values that we expect to see is for crying out loud, can drive me berserk.
but of course, not all the western values are completely BAD. We do encouraged our future children (Insyaa Allah) to discuss with us of some frictions (which definitely will be) in a polite way rather than shouting and gives hand to the parents.
Having said all that, I talked back to my parents when I was small and I loathe every minute of it. M on the other hand, didnt talk at all, very docile snd submissive. and both of our fathers are insanely fierce.
And we think that our kids have to come in the middle.
Dont most the parents always wanted their children to be raised differently than theirs and they end up screwing their kids even more.
God speed
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