Wednesday, June 24, 2009


In a part of the Muslim world where women are often perceived of as the repressed gender....


As long as it gets to do with Islam, Muslim, our women are always perceived as very weak, oppressed, degraded by our religion.

Cant they just STOP generalizing us.

couple of weeks ago, I went to buy a bouquet to a friend who just gave birth. I've been noticing a discount on roses banner at the main road and figured that I could save some bucks before giving a real gift. I didnt notice a church beside it and conveniently that flower boutiques is all about them. I chose and picked but when I was about to pay, a lady at front asked me

* dont you feel hot with that thing covers your head *
* Nooo! I get used to it already *

right after she slide my CC

* Oh I pity you guys *

aku rasa darah dah naik ke kepala dah masa ni but still contained myself

* Well, there's nothing to be pity. I do it for my God anyway *

I wished I had a better answer


* Oh what do you think about the nuns? you must pity them too I suppose *


* Do you believe in what you believe in now? If you do, how do you feel if I say I pity you in what you believe in? *

I tried to be positive coz she didnt yell. She said it in a nice way. It could be that she was actually expressing a genuine concern or expressing her ignorance.

It was like a highschool friend who is buddhist secretly gave me a candy during ramadhan thinking that if nobody sees me, so I can eat.

And more alike stories when I was in LA.

I gave the florist benefit of the doubt. And if I encountered to her again, I am all prepared. Insyaa Allah

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