Friday, June 12, 2009


for the past 2 weeks, I've been doing things that quite pretty physically challenge. To some - maybe not. but to my increasingly size body - well, enough said, i actually felt some inner muscle resistance.
So, life is pretty busy. My french class, somewhat ok but NOT great which though I really hope that ONE day I would be able to speak well or at least like my 'just OK' english.

Cant wait for my next dirt hi ho ATV riding.


FaRRa said...

cool la gambar ni, kak!!
credits to Ida, dia amik gambar .

Akak cun said...

a'aa ye la tu, bila akak download, banyak gambaq korang tersengih2 berposing. siap dgn video plak tu. hahahaha.. nanti turn korang pulak after dragon boat race okay. kita p dkt victoria island ek. lagi challenging akak ushar

FaRRa said...

camera tu, sampi kat tgn kami, mmg selamat la..berposing la jawabnye..heheheh
okies2. nanti ajak kami kak! iAllah, mahu join!

Unknown said...

fuyoo hang terrerlah main panjat tembok..salutelah kekeke

Ammoontie said...

Salam Zid,
At last I found you again...Gee thanks for visiting my blog and make yourself visible. I had missed you and was unable to visit your friendster. That was the reason for being silence. Now that I can read your blog, theres so much to catch up.
Take care my dear.

Akak cun said...

fara- insyaa Allah , next week ye.

weitt lina bunbun - aku panjat berpeluh2 ok. baru beginner tu. laki aku tgk gambaq2 dia kata awat aku gemuk sangat. bantai gelak tak hingat dunia

ammoon - it doesnt feel right to say I had missed you too coz i actually keep up with you but as a silent reader. there are few things going on here which make me feel sad and led me to disconnect myself abruptly from peeps. no pun intended