Monday, June 1, 2009


Although I sufficiently have technical background to qualify myself to a self-proclaimed geek who fancy nothing but the latest hi-tech gadgets, I, for them, are the OTHERS.

When I want to get something, the features that I usually look for are based on its objective.

IE: A cellphone for people to call me and I to call people in a remote area where public phone is nowhere to be found (provided there is coverage) OR to my convenience to call people. Nothing but only that. I dont even actually need a text messaging.

therefore, a modest cellphone will be just fine. In my case, Iphone is like owning a ferrari while what I need is just a honda kapcai.

However, last weekend, M and I went to futureshop and Bestbuy to.. to wander. And of course, we dropped at Ipod aisle and I saw this Ipod Touch.

Blurdy hell, that things is freaking kewl ok. And I think that was the 1st time my heart jumping "NAK! NAK!". well, like i'll gettit.

then, I looked at the price.... the IPOD made my EYE POP.

sigh, friends all around me seems to have one. I must be friend with rich peeps.


Unknown said...


madame apa kabo? weh busy giler aku..baru2 ni ada gathering dgn mesian (bbq) wah best giler wlpun aku malu2 kambing firtime meeting dgn dorg hahaha...

pastu bz lagi dgn baru jek register kat sana huhuhu ketinggalan ketapi wa..

ada masa kita bercalling2 nanti kat YM..:D

Akak cun said...

hahah aku pun bzlah.. dgn aktiviti , test, celebrate besday kawan dan macam2.. tp satu menda penting yg aku tak buat - carik keja.. ingat nak carik keja bodoh2 masuk gak ongkos

Unknown said...

hang mmg bizi ajok hang ada FaceBook kan..aku nak add tp takut tersalah orang..tak silap hang kenal dgn c wan akmal kan..

Akak cun said...

aaa add cepat fb. wan akmal ada mai sini rasanya tp bebudak ni tak habaq pun .. yelah siapa aku ni pun kan.. si tua kutuk tak berguna

Unknown said...

aku dah add hang..nama aku paling glemer Gaban..hmm tataulah fb akaun aku kot nanti terpaksa di delete..laki aku bermental giler..sian budak2 tu terpaksa buang gambar kitorang masa bbq tempohari.

ahak hang ni tua kutuk lg kekeke