Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dragon Boat race 2009

Since aku ni tak ada keja kan & aku suka kan aktiviti2 yg mengeluarkan keringat ayaq peluhkan. so aku joinlah.

Actually this is the 1st time for Malaysian HC to participate in such event. the name of our team is soooolah macam nak pergi menari : Malaysia, Truly Asia.

There were 192 teams but I guess 12 teams pulled out and as amateur team, we didnt finish last but of course still in nombor yang corot.

Enough said, coordination out, there were too many Chiefs and suasana more like pasar malam. Apparently, we Malaysian love to talk.

instead of gochoh with other teams, we gochoh among team members.

Voice 1 - *left side paddle*
Voice 2 - *dua dua side paddle la, I can steer the direction*
Voice 3 - *woii! jangan paddle , dia suruh berenti tu, kita dah nak start dah*
Voice 4 - *shuh, diam la korang*

all at the same time.

well, I just followed a nice young lady infront of me.


Unknown said...


bestnya hang join dragon boat race..kalo budak2 sini adakan aktiviti mcm ni dah tentu aku jd mak turut kekeke..

hang sihat?

Akak cun said...

salam lina, aku ok la.. nak sihat , sihat join oii..walaupun kalah dan ntah hapa2 tp best. rasanya next depa nak hantaq 2 team kot. ada la jugak peneman di hujung senarai.. ye dak

Unknown said...

haha kalah takpe janji ada semangat kesukanan...patutnya tahun ni aku dah kat Ottawa, mungkin dah join duk sebelah ngan hang dah hehe..

next month ni ada dragon boat race kat sini, tengok ajelah..:D