Friday, April 30, 2010


Maksudnya :
"Ya Allah, rahmatilah kami dengan Al-Quran. Jadikan ia imam kami, cahaya, petunjuk dan rahmat bagi kami. Ya Allah, ingatkan kami apa yang kami lupa, dan ajarkan kami apa yang kami jahil. Kurniakanlah kepada kami agar dapat membacanya pada waktu malam dan pada waktu siang. Jadikanlah ia perisai kami, wahai Tuhan sekelian alam."


Living in kafirun country, I believe, in my most humble opinion, in order to keep me on track is to stick to the Islamic belief and practicing it with sincerity.

Nonetheless, I noticing that I pretty much do only the wajib instead of supplement the wajibs with the 'sunat's. I am so not happy with it.

The opportunity to go back home had somehow revived the spirit of the old-self. I've forgotten how my soul was so deprived and thirsted for the extra snacks.

It has been more than 10 years, I didnt step my foot on Masjid's door for subuh prayer. But having that chance again, it made me feel so emotional and sad altogether. I got all misty eyes during standing prep to face the Great Allah AWT. and the misty eyes became pouring rain when I was with mak standing besides.

In the serenity of the dawn, I wished that the time stay still.


Anem said...

alhamdulillah... =)

rindu jugak nak qiam kat masjid... :'(

akak klu mai montreal lagi habaq laa.. saye tak hilang, selalu je dtg "jengok" tapi tak comment je.. hehe

Akak cun said...

Kann Anem, kat sini kalau nak bangun subuh, Ya Allah liat giler..laki akak sket lagi nak simbah ayaq kat muka.

Kat mesia, senang aja bangun nak p masjid. siap akak kejutkan mak akak lagi.

semangat gilos.

kalau u tak balik summer mai la rumah akak jalan2 masa cuti. i nak p montreal kena tunggu laki alasan kukuh.