Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Selingan ~

Yesterday we had leftover from MemSahab's lunchie.

M: Your language all sound the same. one word can bring a lot of meanings
AC: (muka malas nak melayan pasai laki dah start nak merepek) Such AS??!
M: what do u guys said sleep in Malay, it sounds like Kentot

* told ya he started to merepek *

AC: Mana mai Tidoq sounds like Kentut?
M: Oh, not that word, it's the other one, Kenyunck (Kenyang). see sounds the same, Kenyunck and kentot.

As M done with his dinner, he rubbed his belly and fakely burped

M: Alhamdullilah, I am so kentot
AC: Eeewww you are so gross.


One nite on the way home from MemSahab's house

M: did you bring that Padtai?
AC: WHAT???!!!!!
M: the stinky thing that u guys eat with the shrimp
AC: She didnt cook any padthai and we didnt eat any padthai?
M: Yes we did, i can eat it raw. make the urine smells stink
AC: Ooo PETAI lah, padthai mai mana.


I was doing my cross-stiched when M came over from the basement

M: hey, what kawchow (kacau) means? It has few meanings rite?
AC: yeah, it depends on where and what for
M: yes, yes tell me
AC: Kacau as stirring and kacau like disturb. for example like now, you are kacau me with all these questions. but in a good way, can u please kacau the sayoq on the stove.
M: yeah rite

Oh M, why dont you just give up from butchering my language.



kelakar gila ! haha

Anem said...

aaaaaa comelllll nyeee!! haha tergelak besar saye bace nih.. hahaha...

farra said...

akak, you n ur hubby sgtlahhh cute!
btwy, lama x jumpa akak. i miss you lah =)

Akak cun said...

heheheh baru perasan ada 3 komen,

mek - kelakar mmg kelakar tp kenkdg tu nyampas i tau bila dia start jadik dewan bahasa dan pustaka bergerak.

anem - amboi dik lama tenggelam, tup2 muncui.. bila nak dating kat bandaq lama montreal

farra - kannn ..lama sungguh tak berjumpaan, hangpa mai la rumah akak, kalau nak, akak leh amik pagi buta masa hantar laki akak, kita main masak2, lepas tu waktu ptg masa akak amik suami terchenta akak leh drop hangpa kat downtown. apamacam? set? FB i ok