Before I came back, I made a long list of food I'd like/must eat.
True enough, I didnt waste any time marching to food parlor or any fast food branch to satiate my craving of prosperity burger the very moment I landing to the ground of tanahair terchenta.
Not that i wanted to eat it so much, I probably had it like less than 5 times in my entire life but seizing the Gong Xi Fa Cai McD's specialty and after termakan hasut of outrages raving from the mother, I surrendered to the urge that I didnt bother to have nonetheless.
Honestly, looking down at the burger, (after missed couple floors, went down and up again, not forgetting the left and right turns) I was so unconditionally, completely and irrevocably disappointed. The burger was mushy and drowning in black pepper sauce, the chili sauce was so unbelievably hot; my tongue was numb from the burning sensation, my head was spinning hard like a wheel, and I perspired like a oink.
Only the iced milo tasted heavenly good.
Who am I trying to fool me? I am only a Minah Kampung who enjoy a good ol' fashioned way nasi campoq in kakilima warung or any burger ayam special depan masjid.
yes, the burger wrapper, the ambience; they all looked nice but I need the kick of thin crispy greasy chicken patties layered in God knows what (fried shallots??!!), smoldering with local brand chili sauce and cheap mayo. Probably the CO2 from the passing vehicles gave the extra ummph.
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