Thursday, April 22, 2010

Return to IceAge

When PeminatPinkYgTakLehBlah asked me whether I have internet connection at home, I was burst with laughter, especially with the look she got from her husband.

Her hunch was right. Not just that I dont have internet connection, I dont even have any mean of telecommunication; cellular nor cable.

*Though the fact we have astro*

*Though the fact that my mother has 2 cellphones and 2+1 workable lappys*

*Though the fact that everyone has cellphone except for moi*

Nevertheless, although I was completely cutoff with the outside world, I didnt miss a thing.

*The fact that I have more free time and the urges to go to internet to read FB, blogs were completely depleted (YES!What a HUGE surprise chum!).

*The fact I have more time to go out (but in this case stuck indoor cleaning out the endless mess)

*The fact that I no longer bother to charge my cellphone

Seriously, I felt technologically-liberating. I am no longer internet-slave. I dont care if my inbox flooded with e-mails or spams. I dont care any thing that is not happening infront of me or/and in the vicinity of my kampung. The virtual world doesnt exist - at that time.

And life is much simpler.

Shouldnt it be that way?

If I were in kampung (sans internet) at this moment where now I am typing my entry, I would be somewhere in warung to buy nasi lemak and hustle my niece to go to school.

Mind you, M like cicak makan kapur, he was going mad for being out of touch.

Rilekslah beb!

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