Saturday, March 14, 2009

Alamak! habis rempah aku

Few days back, M came to me and asked about the difference between Indian curry and the usual curry I make. Out of the blue. Err.. not really OOTB, a friend of a friend (which technically, make him as our friend) came over to our house and I prepared last-minute Salmon curry and express stirfry veges with instant omelette. Turned out, M's officemate was querying about the curries of the world and would like to purchase a recommended curry powder at local exotic asian stores. Since our cocina has experienced quite varieties of curries from out-from-the-box SHAN to small sac Made-in-yourstruly kelahiran; ranging from Baba's, Alagappa's, Adabi and yadayada - depending on the mood of the sender iaitu Bonda tercinta (which usually come with phrases like "Melayu kita buat ni", "had ni sedap ni, kompeni dekat Lunas ni ja" or rather "oh mak dapat free, saja bg kat a***"). nevertheless, I gave M, a small sachet of Adabi's, Alagapas and a big packet of Baba's and also a box of Vege curry Shan. Since the first two are still edible interms of expiration date, the BIG one expired last year. Unfortunately, the asian grocery stores only carry this Baba's brand, same goes with Indian stores. I gave it to M just as for-viewing-only and expect him to bring it back once he showed to his colleague. But punya tak paham bahasa, he gave them all. Aisehh!

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