Monday, March 16, 2009

Montreal, here I come

A first time adventure on VIA-rail too. the thing is I have an appointment in the afternoon and therefore, M will go first and I will drag our luggage later. BUT, I'd love to go with him, well, actually I would love to go with him in first class coach. bapak mahal dowh! M refuted the idea due to uno; he has to fork out his wampum and dos; he felt uneasy sitting with bigguys with their PAs (not PDA)scribbled to everywords these bigguys have to say. Well, u know, how things look pretty weird when all peoples with expensive suits and way older in age and talk about stocks and business while opposite them, sitting this guy, hippy-looking with sweatshirt from Old Navy, at least that day he wore Calvin Klein, red tag from Winners (ihsan dr bini yg insist suruh beli ok - very good deal I must say. hey, dont ask me, I dont know. never been there. Whatever it was, it's enough to convince M to return to friendlier-sphere to him economy coach. The thing that I dont understand, the ticket is free, and he entitled to it, why dont he just switch it with me. Definitely I wouldn't order OJ if I were to travel first class and definitely I would pass around my resume (or at least give it to their PAs). Whatever it is, it will be my second time on the train in North America. the first time I took a train when I went to Santa Ana from LA to visit a friend. Met an annoying Vietnamese who think less of other people and more of him. well, this time I board prepared; armed with book and MP3. no hassle or bustle of 'hi's' and 'how are you' from strangers. A cold smile will do most of the tricks or a blurry eyes sans eye glasses. Since the hotel is just few block from McGill and metro's, there will be a lot of chances for me to wander around with few lovely lady/ies while M works his rear-off for my economy train ticket.


Anonymous said...

bienvenue a montreal!

hehe.. tapi dah balik ottawa dah pun =P

nice seeing u again sista! hope to c ya this summer insyaAllah! =)

Akak cun said...

hahaha.. dah au revoir pun.. glad to see you and gengs. hopefully, this weekend will be something 'fruitful' pour il.