Tuesday, March 24, 2009


my throat is really painful. especially when the acidic gas came running up thru my esophagus. and it smelled like Salmon. probably I ate too much sushi this afternoon, or probably the BBQ eel. M's arm muscle is twisted due to lifting Jr the other day. Jr is getting heavier; mostly of his muscles. I had a lot of stories to tell but my mind kinda get jammed and mixed all stories up and I dont know where to start. and the gas is really bothering me. I am looking forward for the next 3 months. well, I can say there will be a new chapter in my life or things will be no different than it is today. And now there is some promotion going on with honda car dealers. 0.9% financing for only $278/mth. I am talking CRV 2009 here. haiihhh!! cubaan duniakan, kalau tak ingatkan akhirat, mau haku menghentak2 kaki suruh abe beli. Shud I just tell a tale about my trip to Montreal. well, it's just another trip. actually, to scout for SIL#1. And since we stayed on corporate rate in the hotel and M is one of the club de presidente's member, we've got extra volume of toilet supplies but with a smaller cubic ft room overlooking christ cathedral church. The good thing about this trip, it was a biz for him but a pleasure for me, therefore, I can fully extend to please myself the way I want it aka meet and eat and walk with MY friends. if a pleasure trip for both of us, usually it has to be his way or highway.

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