Sunday, March 15, 2009

MWG lament diskusi

Since summer break is approaching, it's kinda routine for Malaysian students in this continent to spend another gomen's boodle to MWG. As for those who lives outside Estados Unidos, applying for US visa is emm crucial pain. If they do in idiotic way rather than bertanya dgn yg lebih arif aka seniors, I can assure these smart-arsses they will impolitely get rejected or at least not getting a Visa their moolahs worth. hmm.. in a way, haram aku tak kesian. Padan muka lah kan. kunun student overseas kan, mestilah paling pandai dalam dunia. Oh another sentiments of KampungMelayu syndrome. I wonder why all these peeps didnt want to take an effort to ASK how it was done a long time ago, where some of the male seniors getting their 10 yrs Visa easily and how come some of them got rejected. Dont they learn from history or at least be a critical thinker is out of subject or their bijakpandai of being pelajar luarnegara tajaan kerajaan is merely a myth? And again, the previous pegawai was a shallow man, undignified humane and full with alpha-male ego. what's news? My 2cents, why dont ahli jemaah or presidente or whoever incharge of this bloody entourage, collect the names of whoever visa-less, MSD, regardless from Chicago or here, issues a letter and list down the names (regardless they will go or not) and everyone's involved, apply at the same time. Better yet, MSD sends the applications on behalfs these bijakpandai-s( can't do coz everything is Electronic nowdays). susah sgt ke nak pikiaq menda official macam ni. nanti bila tak dapat visa, mulalah nak memaki US embassy. haiii.. from east coast to west coast, sungguh typical.


Anonymous said...

amboi kak zidah, terase sampai ke tulang kering saye.best2.

Akak cun said...

hi yang, I wear my hat on my sleeve. akak criticized with suggestions. bukan utk menyusahkan tp utk memudahkan. tp agak peritlah utk ditelan.